About Us

People are seeking resources and tools to elevate their consciousness. You may want to be more conscious about dietary habits, about how humanity cares for each other, about how humanity cares for the environment, about how to use make and use natural products and remedies. You may want to be more considerate of the messaging your personal and professional content delivers to your audience and the world. 

Around the world, consciousness is rising. People are becoming more discerning about their role in bettering society-whether they think of society as a local, national or global one. People are awakening to the realization that humanity has within its members to be the change we seek—to be the change we need for peaceful co-existence. 

New Consciousness School is an expanded service of Conscious Media Consulting, LLC . We have expanded our training services to include what we call “Conscious courses and Digital products” that appeal to people who seek resources for personal and professional growth and development . We make them available to individuals as well as companies and groups. 

As a thought leader in conscious content creation, we understand how important it is to construct messaging in ways that are accurate in narrative and representations. Our courses are for everyone and anyone seeking to learn to expand the lenses of her/his or their world-view in ways that support their personal growth and development. At CMC, LLC we have centered being thoughtful, respectful, and strategic in the way learning opportunities are designed as well as, the way they are delivered. 

We are excited to bring that expertise to the courses that will be offered from the New Consciousness School. It's our business to be a light in the world! We want to help you shine brightly too!


Our logo is comprised of elements that together reflect our mission, purpose and aspirations for our course and digital product offerings and for the conscious-minded we cater to. 

The Blue Sky:

  • The logo is placed in the context of a sky-blue background to represent an additional dose of optimism.

The Green Arrows:

  • The Arrows represent elevation & upward motion that comes with growth and increased consciousness
  • The Arrows also symbolizes a tree of knowledge, a house where change takes place, and building as a center of learning
  • The Green represents fresh perspective, health and restoration

The Rising Sun:

  • The Rising Sun represents a new day dawning
  • The Sun represents the potential for renewed perspective
  • The Sun represents optimism and new consciousness rising